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Thursday, May 12, 2005

Better and smaller

The trend that reaserches are trying to keep up to is most probably going to reach it's limits when humans will be dealing with atoms. No more molecules.
I explain: today researchers are spliting molecules into smaller molecules which allows us to have smaller devices, but when we will stucture devices by bonding the correct atom(s) together (ie. instead of breaking the existing bondings, create appropriate bondings) we will have reached the nanoscale and no more the microscale and with it a whole new world of mini robots will revolutionalize our daily lives (this is only my point of vue).
This system has got it's own limits though. Today, electronics totally rely on the caracteristics of the elements in use(ie. we generate current thanks to loose bondings between the nucleus of atoms and the electrons). These caracteristics are specific to every element, although some elements have similar caracteristics.
Unfortunatly, atoms all have a defined size, reaching smaller devices than an atoms seems totally unrealistic today.


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